Happy Daffodil Day!!
Today is our last day of Distance Learning. I am sooooo looking forward to seeing you face-to-face again! We are expecting everyone to return, however, if you are not returning, please ensure you have completed the Level 2 Return Form sent out by Ms Driver and let the school office know.
It is time to dust off your school uniform - shine those scuffed school shoes and dig out your knee-high socks, ready for a great start on Monday. Please charge your devices and have your SSR book ready, as well as your drink bottle, pencil case and yummy energetic food.
We welcome Ms Li back with us for her final four-week practicum. It will be great to have her as part of our Room 15 team.
Have a fantastic day - your final Spoken Word performance is due TODAY - record your presentation on the Flipgrid link that you received last night (email and Google Classroom). The time limit is cut off at 3:30 seconds, as it must not be longer than that. Keep learning your poem for face-to-face presentations. We may share our memorised ones with the other classes!