Thursday 26 March 2020

oops...I forgot to say "they are safe too"

Hi Room 15

Room 15 seedlings from Enviro

I forgot to say in my BLOG post...they are safe too! I'll report on their progress (or lack of) when we start again. Enjoy your family time!

P.S. I hope my green fingers don't fail me. I'll need to use my Self Belief GEM.

Room 15's Plant being guarded - They are safe!!

Tuesday 24 March 2020

PE - Water Safety and Swimming Term 1 2020

Water Safety and Swimming - Term 1 2020


Year 5 EOTC Camp

EOTC Year 5 Term 1 2020

The highlight of the term has been our trip to Vector Wero for whitewater rafting. With the help of our wonderful parent helpers, our learners had a great environment for risk-taking and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone to rise to the challenge of completing activities and learning new skills.

Mr and Mrs Cammell with the help of Mrs Knofflock and her daughter, Jess, provided a wonderfully challenging course of orienteering. The conditions were testing, hot and resilience building. Most of the learners pushed themselves to a satisfying completion - living the true meaning of climbing out of the ‘Learning Pit’.

The Auckland Council provided a day of outdoor learning at Eastern Beach, with paddling skills, kayaking, archery, outdoor cooking and the newly added cooperative games. The learners loved their day and showcased their collaboration and ways of applying their GEMS.

Here is a link to each of our shared albums from our EOTC Trip during Term 1 2020. Click on the captions to go to the albums.

Wero EOTC Year 5 2020

Eastern Beach EOTC Year 5 2020

Art by Room 15 Term 1 2020

Hello to Remote Learning - Room 15


Welcome to Room 15 Remote Learning!

We look forward to continuing a fantastic year of learning and growing together. With a positive 'can do' attitude and willingness to take risks in your learning, we will continue to learn to be reflective of our thinking. We'll identify what we do well and what we need to work on to grow. It starts with wanting to drive your learning and approach your learning positively.

Now that we are together 'differently' - we hope that you enjoy the blog posts and can share your learning in a new way with each other. The main avenue for learning activities will be through the website set up by Sunnyhills for remote learning. Mrs Driver will communicate how to access that when it is online.

Keep moving! Play nice! Keep safe! Be kind! Keep learning...