Friday 21 August 2020

Distance Learning Friday, August 21st

 Friday! We are nearly there, Room 15. 

I hope that you have enjoyed your week of engaging with your learning from home. Next week we will put the finishing touches on the Spoken Word Poems that you will submit for feedback today. 

Our final performance will be recorded on Flipgrid on Wednesday, August 26th. Keep practising and make sure that when you make your recordings in Flipgrid that you use great lighting (don't have a window behind you) and that you are dressed (not in your PJs!) after all - we are at school. Remember this for our Google Meets too!

Many of you have asked if you have to memorise this poem for your performance. It is one of the guidelines to memorise your poem and not use cues cards. See how you go with that. This project has lots of different skills you are developing and growing in. Believe you can do it!

Our Google Meets next week are on the schedule below. We'll recraft our 'old man' sentences (make sure you have sent your work in from the last Google Meet) and we'll also look at using visualising when we describe a setting. These Google Meets are workshops to help you now with your Spoken Word but also when we begin our next project of writing narratives, so it is important that you don't miss out.

Here is the video explaining our upcoming activities and expectations.

Here is the slide deck from the video so that you can see the work you have shared from yesterday. Have a fantastic weekend and see you on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 15
    I too hope you have had a good week with your learning at home and I also hope you have been kind, helpful and caring to your Mums and Dads who are either still at work or working from home. This is a great time to use your empathy Gem and think about how other people may be feeling. I am really excited to be able to listen to your spoken word next week. On my walks around the school this term I have seen and heard many of you out and about creating, drafting, re crafting and performing these in collaboration with each other.
    Have a nice weekend and I will be looking for you again online next week.
    Mrs K
